Hey Y'all! This is a quick and dirty update post. (although I have many great projects ready to photograph and post in upcoming days and weeks ;) .
First off, those of you who know me personally are aware that I've been having some anemia issues. Not sure of the cause, but I'm working on it with my doctor. That bein' said, I practically dropped off the face of the Stampin' Up! earth over the last month because I've either had NO energy, or been nauseaus, or other issues related to the anemia that you really don't want to read about. :)
As a result of said anemia monster and my unfortuate vacation from the Stampin' Up! world, I had some events planned that now need to be rescheduled. Those would be the Christmas classes that should have happened today and yesterday. Stay tuned, I'll update my website soon. But for a quick overview, here are my upcoming plans (not yet set in stone):
-Tuesday, October 25th, TACO night! This is an opportunity event. More info after this calendarish section.
-Wednesday, October 26th, I'm open for a workshop
-Monday- November 7, TACO night! Why twice so close together you ask? I'll answer that below. :)
-Tuesday, November 8th - POSSIBLY an ornament class. I might combine this with the class on Nov. 15th. I'll let you know within the week.
-Monday, November 14th, Christmas card buffet. I'm going to have some budget options and some stepped up options.
-Tuesday, November 15th, Christmas gifts, decor, and possibly ornaments project night.
-Sunday, December 4th, Christmas party. This date is not set in stone yet, but the event will happen.
And on to the two TACO Nights!
TACO = Totally Awesome Career Opportunity! (And no I'm not the clever one who invented that name. :)
But we WILL eat tacos!
There are two nights for this! Tuesday October 25th, and Monday November 7th!
Both of them are 7-8:30
You might be asking yourself, why two nights so close together? Well, I had originally scheduled the one in November, but I decided to add the October event in because of this month's fabulous deal! You get a free Big Shot when you sign up as a demonstrator in October! Or a $100 catalog shopping spree! That's on top of the already fabulous starter kit deal!!!
Here's the scoop on the TACO night:
Come over to my office and learn a little more about the Stampin’ Up! business and how it might be able to help you achieve what you’ve always wanted!
I will share with you how the Stampin’ Up! opportunity has changed my life, we’ll cover the basics of demonstratorship, we’ll talk about how it might help you, and of course we’ll eat tacos and stamp!
This is a free event, but I do need you to RSVP by October 21 for the October 25th date or RSVP by Nov 4th for the Nov 7th TACO night, just to make sure I prepare enough materials for everyone to stamp.
You can RSVP through my demonstrator website (click on TACO night on the calendar and it should lead you to a place where you can RSVP). You could also RSVP through e-mail ([email protected]), in person, or call my cell (951-334-5424).
This is NOT a high pressure night where you'll be asked to sign up as a demonstrator! This is a night to learn more, eat, and have fun.
Riverside, Ca
RSVP now!
Not in the Riverside, Ca area? You can still join my team!